Typeknitting explores the typographic potential of hand knitting techniques like Fair Isle, Slipstitch,
Mosaic, and Patchwork Knitting. This research results in knitting patterns, posters, knitable typefaces
and a book.
Typeknitting empowers knitters who want to include messages, and graphic designers looking beyond pixels
and vectors. This opens a dialogue between digital typography and the analog craft of knitting, and is
continued in workshops at knitting & lettering festivals, museums and art schools.
In this ongoing research, Typeknitting involves with letter, wool or word lovers like type foundries,
yarn makers, pattern designers, art directors and textile communicators interested in writing with wool.
Though this site is a direct translation of knitting into typography, it inspired me to think about how textile design techniques could merge with graphic design. The result was a Alphabet design experimentation, inspired by the dyeing and weavign technique called 'Ikat'.